1.2.1(1) Documents related to Add-on programs for A.Y 2021-22
1.2.1(2) Documents related to Add-on programs for A.Y 2020-21
1.2.1(3) Documents related to Add-on programs for A.Y 2019-20
1.2.1(4) Documents related to Add-on programs for A.Y 2018-19
1.2.1(5) Documents related to Add-on programs for A.Y 2017-18
1.2.2(1) List of students enrolled in certificate program offered during A.Y-2021-22
1.2.2(2) List of students enrolled in certificate program offered during A.Y-2020-21
1.2.2(3) List of students enrolled in certificate program offered during A.Y-2019-20
1.2.2(4) List of students enrolled in certificate program offered during A.Y-2018-19
1.2.2(5) List of students enrolled in certificate program offered during A.Y-2017-18
2.1.2(1) G.O. related to reservation policy
2.1.2(2) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2021-22
2.1.2(3) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2020-21
2.1.2(4) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2019-20
2.1.2(5) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2018-19
2.1.2(6) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2017-18
3.1.1(1) e-copies of sanction letters
3.1.1(2) CA certified audited statements
3.2.2(1) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2021-22
3.2.2(2) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2020-21
3.2.2(3) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2019-20
3.2.2(4) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2018-19
3.2.2(5) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2017-18
3.3.2 e copies of first page, content page and participation of conferences during the Assessment period
3.4.3(1) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2021-22
3.4.3(2) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2020-21
3.4.3(3) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2019-20
3.4.3(4) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2018-19
3.4.3(5) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2017-18
4.2.1(1) E-copies of Subscription Letters
4.2.1(2) Invoices
4.2.1(3) Screenshots of Subscription
4.2.1(4) Sample Logbook Copy(Both faculty and student)
5.1.1(1) sanction letters and list of students benefited by Government in A.Y 2021-22
5.1.1(2) sanction letters and list of students benefited by Government in A.Y 2020-21
5.1.1(3) Sanction letters and list of students benefited by Government in A.Y 2019-20
5.1.1(4) sanction letters and list of students benefited by Government in A.Y 2018-19
5.1.1(5) sanction letters and list of students benefited by Government in A.Y 2017-18
5.2.2(1) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2021-22
5.2.2(2) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2020-21
5.2.2(3) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2019-20
5.2.2(4) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2018-19
5.2.2(5) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2017-18
5.3.1(1) E-copies of merit certificates in sports and culturals during A.Y 2021-22
5.3.1(2) E-copies of merit certificates in sports and culturals during A.Y 2020-21
5.3.1(3) E-copies of merit certificates in sports and culturals during A.Y 2019-20
5.3.1(4) E-copies of merit certificates in sports and culturals during A.Y 2018-19
5.3.1(5) E-copies of merit certificates in sports and culturals during A.Y 2017-18
5.4.1(1) E-copy of Alumni registered certificate
5.4.1(2) Alumni minutes of the meeting
5.4.1(3) Documents related to Alumni meet during the Assessment period
5.4.1(4) List of Alumni with their contribution
7.2.1(1) Documents related to Evidence of Success for Best Practices-I
7.2.1(2) Documents related to Evidence of Success for Best Practices-II